<![CDATA[<br />
<b>Season Seven Match</b>
<table cellpadding="10px">
<td width="50%" valign="top" align="left">
<b><u>ARIEL X</u></b> <br />
The Assassin <br />
HT: 5'2<br />
WT: 115 lbs<br />
Season record (1-0) <br />
Lifetime record (13-2)<br />
Ranked 1st
<td width="50%" valign="top" align="left">
<b><u>MELLANIE</u></b> <br />
The Cowgirl <br />
HT: 5'9<br />
WT: 155lbs<br />
Season record (0-0) <br />
Lifetime record (0-0)<br />
Ariel X was last season's overall Champion, this season she is in even better shape and wants to do what no one has done in US History; win two championships. <br>
<br> Mellanie Monroe is a hot MILF with great natural tits, and booming body. Mellanie contacted us about Wrestling, and is very excited to be in the league. Keep you eye on this one you will see her break into the upper ranks in no time. <br> <br>
Well Mellanie just learned size and strength will never over come experience on the US mat. Tiny little Ariel X just kicked her big MILF ass. The biger they are the deeper they get fucked.]]>

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