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<td width="50%" valign="top" align="left">
<b><u>BELLA ROSSI</u></b> <br />
The Annihilator<br />
HT: 5'5<br />
WT: 155lbs<br />
Season record (3-1) <br />
Lifetime record (3-1)<br />
Ranked 6th
<td width="50%" valign="top" align="left">
<b><u>AMBER RAYNE</u></b> <br />
Rogue<br />
HT: 5'3<br />
WT: 105lbs<br />
Season record (1-1) <br />
Lifetime record (4-4)<br />
Ranked 12th
Welcome to the start of the 2009 Championship tournament. The top 16 wrestlers of the season face off in a single elimination tournament. Check out the <a href=" http://www.ultimatesurrender.com/site/us/summervengeance.jsp">Summer Vengeance Bracket</a> here. <br><br>
Ultimate Surrender's David vs. Goliath match up. Our smallest wrestler vs. our biggest. Our heaviest vs. our lightest. Two girls with the same energy drive and competitiveness.
Amber didn't care she was outgunned, or outweighed, she brought it. No one was more surprised then Bella. The score was closer then you would have thought, the match was intense from start to finish.<br><br>
However our tiny Rogue could not beat the giant Annihilator, and got fucked in the ass with a HUGE strap on for losing.

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