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<b><u>WENONA</u></b> <br />
The Gymnast<br />
HT: 5'8<br />
WT: 120lbs<br />
Lifetime record (6-5)<br />
Ranked 5th
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<b><u>MADISON</u></b> <br />
The Butcher<br />
HT: 5'2<br />
WT: 109lbs<br />
Lifetime record (2-1)<br />
Ranked 11th
Welcome to the second annual Summer Vengeance elimination tournament where the top sixteen Season Five wrestlers battle it out to see who will be the overall Ultimate Surrender champion for 2008. <br><br>
Wenona is a veteran of several seasons. She is lean, ripped, and hot. This season has been her best showing yet: she is seated 5th and received a first round bye.
Madison was defeated in the first round but got a reprieve when Safari had to drop out of the tournament. So we moved Madison forward, which is much better than just giving Wenona a free trip to the semi-finials.
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This was an all out war with no clear winner until far into the third round. Both wrestlers left it all on the mat, but only one was victorious. The other got her ass fucked, and was brutally tickled by the winner for losing.<br><br>
Join today for the only non-scripted real sexual wresting on the net!
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