After waiting impatiently for ANOTHER 15 days after my <b>previous attempt at getting pregnant by random black men</b>, I take my second pregnancy test and find out sadly, once again I timed my fuck session wrong and wasted millions of precious black sperms as <b>I was not ovulating while I received my last creampies</b>! Dammit! Out of frustration I call up the first black stud that I have on speed dial on my phone and <b>beg him to give my ovaries another try</b>! To my great benefit, Ace just happens to be hangin' with two of his homies and brings them all over. Not only is Ace an unselfish brotha, he <b>doesn't want to be pinned with the pregnancy</b> so he never creampies me alone! Ace feels that as long as he's not the only black man at a time to fill my hole with jizz, <b>no court in the world will hold him liable for child support</b>! And that's fine with me, I don't want to know <b>the NAME of the father, just the COLOR</b>! Well fans, after <b>another insane interracial pregnancy session attempt</b>, once again my pregnancy test tells me I'm NOT PREGNANT YET! This is bad news for me, but good news for <b>all you white boys out there</b> that now get to see me TRY AGAIN! Until next time! XOXOXOXOX

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