Have you ever eyed one of those suicide girls, with the heavily pierced and tatooed bodies, the punk attitude, and combat boots, and thought you'd like to see one just like that getting her tight little pussy shredded by a black cobra? Well, today your wish is granted! We introduce Scarlett Pain, a juicy little redhead, pierced in all the right places, her body decorated with some fine inkwork, and a burning desire for her first black dick! Scarlett says she was always attracted to the dark side, but has never acted on that, and finally decided to see what the fuss is about. Of course, she came to us to find out. So here we have her milestone recorded for all to enjoy...her lithe, well decorated body goes through the works as she is drilled and fracked to her satisfaction, then she completes her first time by slurping down a load of ghetto puddin'. Her lust all fired up, she wouldn't let him go, and spreads her legs, demanding another round from that still rock-hard ebony jackhammer!

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