Hi All! It's me again! Yep, I'm back, even after that nasty white boy nutted in my hair last week :(...and I'm back stronger than ever, and guess what!? I have a new colored fellah to introduce you to, and you might even know who he is! He's one of the best cocksmen in the biz, and I was lucky enough to have him stop by last weekend...he's built, like all black men, but he's even MORE built than most. Ladies and Gents, say hi to Jack Napier, doing his very first internet-only shoot with Yours Truly! ;-)....Let me tell you - what they say about Jack is true. He's super sweet, he's gentle, and he's packing one of the biggest black dicks on the face of the planet. Lucky me, lucky me! Hee hee...I'm such a dork! A-N-Y-ways...I dunno what else to say, except enjoy the update as much as I did...when Jack fed me his sweet cum right off the cheek of my ass! LOL! Till next week boys & girls!!!! XOXOX - Spring

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