Hoo Boy- if there ever was a whore's whore, it's Claire Dames. Sporting a tramp stamp above her pussy that reads "Hit It Harder" Claire is a bonafide lifer slut. In addition to the usual sucking and fucking skills one would expect from a tart of this calibre, Claire also happens crave the taste of man ass. In fact, after watching this scene, I'd say she is a true assaholic, and simply can't keep her hot fuckin face out of a dude's butt cheeks. A Cornhole Cobbler. A Bung Burglar. A Dirtbox Diver. Claire is all these things and more, and proud of it to boot. Did I mention she has a pair of fuckin 50 pound juggs on her too? Nothing like seeing the Rusty Trombone being played by a hot floozie with gigantic cans if you ask me. Claire spent plenty of time with her tongue buried in our man's asshole, and when it was all finished, well of course her chucked a mean load right into her wide open ass licking mouth. Bon Appetite!

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