Good Gosh- Jaime Elle has a 21-year old ass you would think was injection-molded in some factory somewhere- you could bounce a quarter off of that beatiful thing! Whats even better is that world-class ass is connected to a drop dead gorgeous porn girl who is SUPER FILTHY. In fact, Jaime is sooo dirty she'll pucker right up to some dude's butthole for her "model rate" despite the fact that she wouldn't do it in her private life.. make sense? Of course not- but then who cares what these porn chick's logic is when you, the dear EatSomeAss member, can scooch your chair right up and enjoy her diving facefirst betwixt two sweaty asscheeks and needn't boggle your brain over the details :) Anyway- back to Jaime and the random steed we hooked her up with- she hadn't met the guy but 5 minutes prior to shooting the scene, but that didn't stop her from sampling his bunghole once the cameras got rolling. Turns out this dude had a rod on him the size of a SCUD missile and he did an excellent job unleashing that beast on Jaime's mouth and pussy. After a couple good dirtbox cleansing sessions, our man cocked that rod back and let his payload fly all over sweet little Jaime's mug- and oh man, the Semenal Aftermath of that one must be seen to be believed. Enjoy my brothers!

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