Oh man, we've got a cute one today at EatSomeAss.com! Check out sweet girl next door Christine Michaels. Christine is a demure little redhead with a sweet young body on her. Thing is, Christine isn't so innocent.. in fact, she's got a hankerin for a slice of butt pie if you know what I mean. When I first laid eyes on this girl I thought- "she's brand new to the business, and LOOK at her- she's a sweet lil' thing- there's no way she'll go for an Eat Some Ass scene" WRONG. I asked her anyway and she was like "Oh I love to lick guy's asses!" Well fuck me. I grabbed the camera, found some mohawked loser hanging around outside that agreed to have his starfish swabbed, and let Christine loose on him. Holy shit- don't judge a book by its cover boys.. Did I mention she got her ass eatin' face slopped with jizz? Enjoy :)

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